What about ur other group members?

What is Cheating Exactly?
Which tricks and techniques are involved in that kind of process?
Types of Cheating.
What happened when teacher caught in teaching?
How teachers exists in that?
Which place are called the ground of cheating?
How cheating replace the merit!
Profile of person who has passed from this process.
A cheater Character.
5W+1H (Which year it’s mostly happened and where who were the witness of it).
Cheating and Copying aren't struggles, they're reasons to break up
What is cheating exactly?
Not faithful to a spouse or lover.
A deception for profit to yourself.
Violating accepted standards or rules.
The main problem is that we know the meaning of cheating but after all us did.beacuse student want degree not want the hardworking certificate that’s why unemployment increasing day by day and hardworking students remain at last that’s going not fair that’s become the culture what we called it “copy culture” this thing chewing the future of student as we chewing the bubble gum.
“Student going chewing their future by following this act.”
How Cheating is exist over there in schools, colleges and universities?
Cheating is actually not exists in school, colleges and universities but it exists in the mind of the student. After enter in the examination hall he/she sets their mind about how they’ll cheat either they cheat through mobile phones, notes, light pen and internet.
It is destroying our youth but still we’re following it as we following trend.
Many tricks and methods involved in that kind of process?
What can be the Resources of Cheating?
There are many resources as well as categories of cheating it is just like a part which now students take it compulsory that they should have to do, they thought that if they not do it they can’t complete their paper but it’s become a part of their education and many resources are involved in that process like
Copying from notes:
A thing made to be similar or identical to another thing .Students mostly used this kind of Shit,they copying from each other copy they Copy from the notes if someone have no notes then they use the source of clerk ,He help them to complete their paper by giving them a solve paper, This is just become a culture and a part of study its going from 1947 and still going but in this year it’s not very done because here is hold of Army ,After look after the student and restricted them from cheating.
Some efforts including accountability of funds, monitoring, both at field and management level, utilization of funds properly and set priorities, capacity building of teaching and non-teaching staff, awareness among the community so that they should take education as their basic right and non-interference of politics within the education sectors can bring some desired results and can ensure the quality education in the Sindh.

Resources of Cheating
Salma Sohail, Rasool Bux Bodani, Sadam Solangi
Sub Topics:What is Cheating Exactly?
Which tricks and techniques are involved in that kind of process?
Types of Cheating.
What happened when teacher caught in teaching?
How teachers exists in that?
Which place are called the ground of cheating?
How cheating replace the merit!
Profile of person who has passed from this process.
A cheater Character.
5W+1H (Which year it’s mostly happened and where who were the witness of it).
Cheating and Copying aren't struggles, they're reasons to break up
What is cheating exactly?
Not faithful to a spouse or lover.
A deception for profit to yourself.
Violating accepted standards or rules.
The main problem is that we know the meaning of cheating but after all us did.beacuse student want degree not want the hardworking certificate that’s why unemployment increasing day by day and hardworking students remain at last that’s going not fair that’s become the culture what we called it “copy culture” this thing chewing the future of student as we chewing the bubble gum.
“Student going chewing their future by following this act.”
How Cheating is exist over there in schools, colleges and universities?
Cheating is actually not exists in school, colleges and universities but it exists in the mind of the student. After enter in the examination hall he/she sets their mind about how they’ll cheat either they cheat through mobile phones, notes, light pen and internet.
It is destroying our youth but still we’re following it as we following trend.
Many tricks and methods involved in that kind of process?
What can be the Resources of Cheating?
There are many resources as well as categories of cheating it is just like a part which now students take it compulsory that they should have to do, they thought that if they not do it they can’t complete their paper but it’s become a part of their education and many resources are involved in that process like
Copying from notes:
A thing made to be similar or identical to another thing .Students mostly used this kind of Shit,they copying from each other copy they Copy from the notes if someone have no notes then they use the source of clerk ,He help them to complete their paper by giving them a solve paper, This is just become a culture and a part of study its going from 1947 and still going but in this year it’s not very done because here is hold of Army ,After look after the student and restricted them from cheating.
Cheating through Mobile phones:
It’s very fastest process of cheating now-a-days, Student did mostly cheating through mobile phone by connecting the internet and search the topic over there and write the searched topic on the answer copy and else if they have no internet connection then their relatives and some of family members send the topics or paper.
Cheating through light pen:
It’s not common like mobile phone cheating but it’s very technical you can do doubt on the person who has cheating pen its looks like blank copy but when he or she pen light through on it you can clearly see the paper like and when light through on the paper.
Why resources of cheating are increasing day by day?
There are many unformal answer of this question because education system going change day by day.
Education system of Hyderabad has gone down due to number of problems like, escalation of population, increase in numbers of students, lack of government policies, quality educational institutions. During last ten years education in Hyderabad has witnessed many negative changes. Hyderabad city has history of appreciable and quantity of schools. News Vidyala, now known as Sindh University old campus, built in 1912 was one of the best school of that time. Sadhu Naval Rai Hirachand Academy was built in 1900 now known as government high school, which is even today the biggest high school in public sector. Another historic academy Noor Muhammad high school was built in 1933. These schools founded by the philanthropists, laid foundation of quality education not only in the city but all over the province. Now those schools had gone downward because lack of facilities is provided by government, poor utilization of funds. Another cause of backwardness of Hyderabad’s educational institutions is that government has let free space which was filled by private some of them franchised schools, including, The Educators, Beacon house, City foundation, etc.
Nearly every street one can find a private school where coaching centres are also run in the evening. But this has not improved the state of education. Education has become market commodity people have invested in private schools and are minting money. Despite high fees quality of education is lacking in these education institutions. Many educational institutions have not their building, scientific laboratories and trained teachers. According to an official report there are hundreds of ghosts schools in public sector (enrolled in papers), which has further opened the venues for private sector.
Apart from claims of the government officials and private schools a good number of children is out of school. Out of 4, 68,357 children between 5 to 14 years in Hyderabad only 2, 81,245 are enrolled, the remaining unlucky children could not get education because of poverty their parents get them done work to earn some money instead of getting education.
Copy culture and corruption have become order the day hence students are not taking much interest in studies. These two evils are pushing the student’s future to darkness.
These changes have negatively affected parent’s attitude. Some ten years ago parents used to concentrate their children’s studies and pay higher school and tuition fees, now they pay money at board for their children’s result there permutation are caused by depraved board system where result is being sold and this is fraudulence for hardworking student who depend on merit. Beside political interventions has paralyzed the system. Students at college and university level instead of giving time to studies prefer to join political group or party which facilitates them in unfair means in exams and admissions.

Copy Culture in Degree Colleges
The copy culture is not the culture of any nation. Rather it is a name given to the techniques or devices which are implemented in the colleges and schools to aid students who have no interest in study or education. In this trend many factors both external and internal are involved. By external it is supposed to be on the broad level related with the politics and policies of feudal lords and capitalists whose sons and daughters achieve education either in private institutes or in foreign countries. By internal factors it should be supposed that it is related to the personal faults and flaws of schools or colleges or even with those of students who do not study. Why they do not study there could be a logical statement for this question but that is not the concern of this survey.
The investigation is conducted in the colleges of Hyderabad. The college that were listed to be investigated are NUZHAT GIRLS’ COLLEGE, SHAH LATIF GIRLS’ COLLEGE, I. H. ZUBAIRI COLLEGE and GOVT. GIRLS’ COLLEGE LATIFABAD NO# 08. The investigation conducted in above mentioned colleges came up with the results was almost same. In the investigation certain questions were asked to administration of colleges. The purpose of investigation was to find out the methods and devices to be used in the copy culture and the involvement of agents and invigilators. The investigation was mostly related with those colleges who are under the affiliation of university.
What are the reasons of copy culture?
The students who get admissions in such colleges have the lust for the degrees. They at a time are having dual admissions one in the university and other in the affiliated college. Those students are admitted mainly in private sections for B.A. B.Sc, M.A and M.sc. they do not study for exams in colleges, rather depend on the copy culture. On the broad level the main reasons that are found in the survey are illiteracy, lack of awareness, no proper leadership or guidance, or even the critical situation in which lower class has been pushed such as unemployment, poverty, lack of sources and work, and so many other social and political could be there.
There arises the question on the basis of decorum of institutes or colleges where this copy culture is frequently found. It all depends on the institute whether to allow the students to cheat in the exams or not. If they are allowing such happenings, there must be the hidden hand behind this. Who compels them to allow such evil act to be conducted in exam halls or colleges?
Involvement of agents:
In the trend of copy and cheating in exams not only students and their parents are involved, but the agents play a major role in this act? Here university administration, college authority and management are on the hit. These agents provide the cheaters all opportunities to do their best in exam halls. Because of involvement of these agents the copy culture is getting strengthened day by day in Hyderabad and other areas of Sindh.
Types of methods in copy culture:
While investigation, the methods that came up are mainly divided into two division; old method and new method. Both are discussed here on the basis of objects to be used which are also pointed out by the administration of those colleges.
Old method:
In this category mainly books and pages or guides are mentioned that were provided to the student sitting in the exam halls. The ways those books were sent to students were various. In those parents, teachers, invigilators, peons, and other agents were involved. The parents had to pay to the teachers and other agents. This payment was commonly known as ‘package’. The invigilators and peons were also satisfied with some sort of little ‘package’. While students cheat in exam halls their parents would be waiting for them outside anxiously. Another shocking way that is commonly used by young brothers or friends of students is that of crossing over the walls to provide the handouts, solved guides, and books. The handouts are commonly named as KARTOOS or TOTKE. Some students are enough wise that they jot down the answers on the inner side of sleeves or shirts or stuck the material on their thighs and bellies. provided alarm of visiting teams is rung by purchased agents.
New method:
In new method, the modern devices are mostly used. These devices are such as use of microphone, internet, mobiles and tablets. The bookish guides and handouts or solved guides are commonly taken as too much traditional method. These methods are usually criticized by modern or fashionable cheaters. One of the best method that is used frequently now a days is that of acquaintances of parents. This in general language is called ‘source’. On the behalf of this source, students are honored to sit in office of head for cheating in exams. Apart from the packages of money to be provided to agents, cigerates, tea and cold drinks are also served to them so that they may not create any sort obstacles in cheating.
In order to get rid of this issue some influential steps must be taken. The management and administrations should be improved. The private admissions in affiliated colleges should be stopped and should be regularized where students could attend the classes on regular basis. The use of secularity cameras in the exam halls should be taken as a major step which can help in getting rid of copy culture from colleges or institutes.
Copy culture in intermediate colleges and role of intermediate board in copy culture:
Suppression of merit:
The parents have a vital role in the copy culture in the classes of ix, x, xi, and xii on the other hand teachers, professors, and lecturers are not laying behind in it as well. Teachers and lecturers become busy actively in assisting the students for cheating in exams. But indirectly or directly are active in destroying the future of their own children. They believe that on the behalf of only marks they would succeed in achieving their goals. Those students have no knowledge and information about the field. Apart from these the copy culture and guide culture and solo paper which is published on the time of papers only are present on the stationary shops that is the responsibility of D.C.O to solve this issue. However, D.C.O plays no role in with honesty and sincerity.
Second reason of suppression of merit is the role of board where the marks are purchased. The chairman, secretariat of board, and leger branch where result is updated and other related personalities related to this institute and their familiar friends and relatives are also involved in purchasing the marks. The first persons are those who are associated with institute and second persons are the relatives and friends. Second persons who play the role as that of first persons and perform all the activities of purchasing the marks, conveying the money and settling the issues.
According to some sources, the corruption has been made up to 4 carors which are paid by the parents happily so that their children may get good marks which are supposed to be the cause of honor in the society. according to sources more than 50,000 thousand rupees are taken by the 3rd person for purchasing 80% marks in x,xi and xii classes. That amount after some personal extraction 40,000 are paid to the second person and finaly round about 20,000 thousands are paid.
Role of parents who spend huge amount of money to purchase money:
There are certain cause for that;
One to show the status in the society the purchase the marks;
Second they purchase the marks to get the job;
3rd reason is that they purchase marks so that children could get good departments in the university because in university total percentage of metric and intermediate is counted.
Those students who really deserve the marks but are not paid they when do not get any good job or are not selected in the university either turn to be mad or commit the suicide.
The merit should be imposed on every institute from the highest to lowest profession so that education system could improve in the country.
The solution is that merit system based on information and education should be imposed because mostly elite class children have higher grades who easily get departments in university or get higher position who when get a big post they continue the same trend of corruption in the society.
According to some sources, the active agents do corruption works on the behalf of the false agency in which exploitation of documents, occupation on the lands and so many other evil deeds. As a shop or agency is run by someone near the board office where the future of children is sold on 40000 rupees. Thus indirectly the illiterate public is produced by them. It is said that that person is the special person of Hyder abbas Rizvi of MQM. Who has conducted many illegal act and has been doing that with the support of hidden hands and none has been able to shake him so far. He is known as ABBASS BHAI. Who run the state agency by name Ali state agency and purchases the marks for others.
Such type of people avoid from talking on the phone rather prefer to talk face to face. moreover, they never guarantee in descriptive form for the assurity of marks. Nor do they get money through cheque and get money in cash. I would like to talk about the Hyderabad board where not only board management but official staff of bank do same work quickly on money. On money given to such authorities to get the degrees and certificates quickly.
In copy culture mobile plays an important role by using it student gets much material from it. This is age of internet which is used on packages to extract material for copying in the exam halls.
Dec 4, 2015
The work was carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
The work was carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
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