Interview by Farooq Rajpar
Lala Rehman from Hyderabad is a journalist who devoted his life to journalism, he worked in various newspapers and TV channels. He was founding member of KTN and became editor of various newspapers.
Q: How was Journalism when you started your career?
Ans-: Pro people’s journalism started in late 80’s its first newspapers were “Awami Awaz, Kaawish and Jago” I started my career as a proof reader, I have worked as political activist in “Democratic Student Federation” that’s why it was easy for me to work in Newspaper because I used to make press release, pamphlets for party. There was only way that was journalism because I have to support myself and my family, financially I was not well to do. In that era journalism was very congested and journalists worked in traditional way don’t write about police, feudal. State and politician were not criticized in that era people’s problems were not highlighted because journalist were afraid of feudal and technocrats. If public had problems which newspapers should highlight but they didn’t, if you see if employees are not paid salary they protest and call sit-ins. That’s the difference between these two eras.
Q: According to you how much importance is given to Sindhi media as compare to Urdu and English media?
Ans: in early times, federal institutions don’t notice Sindhi media but as Sindhi media has emerged now it has its role in society. Currently Sindhi media has forwarded Sindh’s case and Sindh’s provincial interest in a way that federal government had to notice. In other provinces Sindhi media’s circulation is nothing but it has important role in Sindh and it raises Sindh’s issues so it has importance in Sindh and is important mode of communication for Sindhi people. Through Sindhi media Government notice Sindhi people’s mentality, behavior and nature before taking any step what would be the reaction of people. Before only “Ibrat Newspaper” was known to everyone but now almost all Sindhi newspapers are known and has a good circulation
Q: When you were Press Club president what you did for young journalists?
Ans-: When we were political workers and started our journalism youngsters had negligible access to press club, so I was aware about all those restrictions and I have always encouraged youth to get jobs and teach them to get them access to newspapers. There wasn’t any quite good platform but we inspire them to work and seek a good career in journalism. We give them guidelines so that they could survive.
Q: Define upheavals of Journalism in your career?
Ans: I started my career as proof reader then sub editor and reporter then news editor I was founding member of KTN channel. In the beginning on KTN news two talk shows were broadcasted in one I was Anchor and in other Ali Qazi. I have gone through almost all stages and upheavals are part of one’s career first when you start your career you have to face many problems at different stages and without these tough condition one can’t get a well reputed post.
Q: What is role of Sindhi journalism in our society?
Ans: Everything has two sides negative and positive now here we will check out as whole that which side influences more in society. Sindhi media’s positive side is more influencing, Sindhi media owns its people and raise their issues especially of rural areas where no other channel reaches but Sindhi newspapers are playing their vital role and aware them about their social, tribal and national issues.
Q: which works better for society Electronic media or Print media?
Ans: One needs to be literate if he/she wants to read newspaper in our society literacy rate is very low, and electronic media doesn’t reach many areas, if we make a conclusion that which media works better the answer is both are doing good, but the question is which influences more electronic media is person to person and is easy even for illiterate people to understand the news story or information which these channels are transmitting. Currently electronic media effects more than print media.

Q: What is the reason behind Pakistan is one of the most dangerous country for journalists?
Ans: It has many reasons, law and enforcements are negligible what happens because of this ethnic groups, land grabbers and sectarian groups raised, and here politics is obeyed to feudal and capitalists. It’s clear that when a journalist sees cruelty, atrocity in society he will obviously report it here these peoples interest are crushed. So when they are afraid of truth so they harm journalist and threatens them. In this scenario state and non-state institutions are involved. Here journalist are martyred by state institutions, religious parties, political leaders all of them had victimized journalist only because of their personal interest. In any state where you will make barriers for justice education development and journalism results will be dangerous for that society. If judge is not safe then how he will give right decision, if journalist are not safe then how they will report/ write on social evils. So that’s why I want to say that journalism can’t be limited.
Q: what is future of Sindhi journalism?
Ans: Sindhi journalisms future is bright, media of Pakistan is still crippling there are still many things happening channels and should be discussed publically whether they should do or not. So we should learn from our mistakes. Sindhi channels have evolved a lot and because of Sindhi media Sindhis have protected their language.
Q: Why the field of journalism is ignored?
Ans-It’s because of society and as well as journalists, those journalist who use journalism to take bribes to hide stories or to threaten and tease peoples. So that’s why he is considered as unlawful and blackmailer. Here in our institutions they don’t see journalist’s proper training and character because if they consider all these things then they will have pay them high wages. And those who are trained and have well character are ignored. Here journalist are said to get advertisments, and here ads are given by capitalist and politicians when journalists take ads then how they will write against those crimes which are committed by these peoples. And other reason is that their salary is very low here peoples work for their survival.
This practical work was carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Lala Rehman from Hyderabad is a journalist who devoted his life to journalism, he worked in various newspapers and TV channels. He was founding member of KTN and became editor of various newspapers.
Q: How was Journalism when you started your career?
Ans-: Pro people’s journalism started in late 80’s its first newspapers were “Awami Awaz, Kaawish and Jago” I started my career as a proof reader, I have worked as political activist in “Democratic Student Federation” that’s why it was easy for me to work in Newspaper because I used to make press release, pamphlets for party. There was only way that was journalism because I have to support myself and my family, financially I was not well to do. In that era journalism was very congested and journalists worked in traditional way don’t write about police, feudal. State and politician were not criticized in that era people’s problems were not highlighted because journalist were afraid of feudal and technocrats. If public had problems which newspapers should highlight but they didn’t, if you see if employees are not paid salary they protest and call sit-ins. That’s the difference between these two eras.
Q: According to you how much importance is given to Sindhi media as compare to Urdu and English media?
Ans: in early times, federal institutions don’t notice Sindhi media but as Sindhi media has emerged now it has its role in society. Currently Sindhi media has forwarded Sindh’s case and Sindh’s provincial interest in a way that federal government had to notice. In other provinces Sindhi media’s circulation is nothing but it has important role in Sindh and it raises Sindh’s issues so it has importance in Sindh and is important mode of communication for Sindhi people. Through Sindhi media Government notice Sindhi people’s mentality, behavior and nature before taking any step what would be the reaction of people. Before only “Ibrat Newspaper” was known to everyone but now almost all Sindhi newspapers are known and has a good circulation
Q: When you were Press Club president what you did for young journalists?
Ans-: When we were political workers and started our journalism youngsters had negligible access to press club, so I was aware about all those restrictions and I have always encouraged youth to get jobs and teach them to get them access to newspapers. There wasn’t any quite good platform but we inspire them to work and seek a good career in journalism. We give them guidelines so that they could survive.
Q: Define upheavals of Journalism in your career?
Ans: I started my career as proof reader then sub editor and reporter then news editor I was founding member of KTN channel. In the beginning on KTN news two talk shows were broadcasted in one I was Anchor and in other Ali Qazi. I have gone through almost all stages and upheavals are part of one’s career first when you start your career you have to face many problems at different stages and without these tough condition one can’t get a well reputed post.
Q: What is role of Sindhi journalism in our society?
Ans: Everything has two sides negative and positive now here we will check out as whole that which side influences more in society. Sindhi media’s positive side is more influencing, Sindhi media owns its people and raise their issues especially of rural areas where no other channel reaches but Sindhi newspapers are playing their vital role and aware them about their social, tribal and national issues.
Q: which works better for society Electronic media or Print media?
Ans: One needs to be literate if he/she wants to read newspaper in our society literacy rate is very low, and electronic media doesn’t reach many areas, if we make a conclusion that which media works better the answer is both are doing good, but the question is which influences more electronic media is person to person and is easy even for illiterate people to understand the news story or information which these channels are transmitting. Currently electronic media effects more than print media.

Q: What is the reason behind Pakistan is one of the most dangerous country for journalists?
Ans: It has many reasons, law and enforcements are negligible what happens because of this ethnic groups, land grabbers and sectarian groups raised, and here politics is obeyed to feudal and capitalists. It’s clear that when a journalist sees cruelty, atrocity in society he will obviously report it here these peoples interest are crushed. So when they are afraid of truth so they harm journalist and threatens them. In this scenario state and non-state institutions are involved. Here journalist are martyred by state institutions, religious parties, political leaders all of them had victimized journalist only because of their personal interest. In any state where you will make barriers for justice education development and journalism results will be dangerous for that society. If judge is not safe then how he will give right decision, if journalist are not safe then how they will report/ write on social evils. So that’s why I want to say that journalism can’t be limited.
Q: what is future of Sindhi journalism?
Ans: Sindhi journalisms future is bright, media of Pakistan is still crippling there are still many things happening channels and should be discussed publically whether they should do or not. So we should learn from our mistakes. Sindhi channels have evolved a lot and because of Sindhi media Sindhis have protected their language.
Q: Why the field of journalism is ignored?
Ans-It’s because of society and as well as journalists, those journalist who use journalism to take bribes to hide stories or to threaten and tease peoples. So that’s why he is considered as unlawful and blackmailer. Here in our institutions they don’t see journalist’s proper training and character because if they consider all these things then they will have pay them high wages. And those who are trained and have well character are ignored. Here journalist are said to get advertisments, and here ads are given by capitalist and politicians when journalists take ads then how they will write against those crimes which are committed by these peoples. And other reason is that their salary is very low here peoples work for their survival.
This practical work was carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
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