Sunday, October 18, 2015

Is journaling really an easy task?

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Is journaling really an easy task?
Qirat Fatima
What’s Journaling? Journaling is usually known as Diary-Writing or Journal-Keeping but it us more than that. It’s a way to write down your ideas, to draw your projects or to pin up your plans in one single place. Journaling is not just for writers but also for individuals who plan and practice their professions in an organized way.
Journaling is an essential tool for students to go through their brainstorming process and fetch the best ideas for their work. Be it an Artist or Graphic designer, Writer or Businessman, Journaling could help for any individual. Journaling helps in a bundle of ways.

Journaling forces you to examine your thoughts more critically and logically which makes Journaling an opportunity to work through and gain clarity on the ideas and opinions. Journaling involves a bigger variety such as To-do lists, Future goals, momentary ideas, Random insights and informative ideas to work on later.
Journaling leads you to take time to shut out the loudness of outside world and reconnect with your thoughts that can lead you to incredible discovery as well as Journaling grants you ability to gain perspective in your thoughts.

Quote: As Maya Angelou, the famous African-American Author, Poet and Civil Right Activist said: “what I try to do is write. I may write for two weeks ‘the cat sat on the mat that is that, not a rat’ and it might be just the most boring and awful stuff but I try. I write and then it’s as if the muse is convinced that I’m serious and says okay. Okay. I’ll come”.

Research related: Countless medical professional and institutions have endorsed Journaling as a method to manage overwhelming emotions and reduce anxiety and stress. Journaling has long been recommended as platforms of cathartic release and as social psychologists.
James Pennebaker, the American Social Psychologist, has proven “writing expressively about traumatic events or situation can uplift both your mind and body”. According to Pennebaker “It’s been proven to strengthen the immune system”.

Time frame: Whereas, in past people used Diaries, Notebooks and parchments for Journaling, the IT revolution brought a change providing different web mediums such as Word Press, Medium and apps like Diaro, Flava, Penzu, Journal and Day One etc.

History: several famous personalities have passed out whose virtue of journaling brings them in the limelight of world. Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank, the diarist, who rescued writing accounts later published with the name of “Diary of a Young Girl”, became one of the most discussed Jewish victims of World War. Anne penned down the War situation when she was abandoned in a place during War period.

Other prominent titles are Oscar Wilde, the Irish Poet, Playwright and Virginia Woolf, the author and 20th-century Modernist, whose inclination towards Journaling led them to bigger traits of writing.

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