CSS only requires effort and time: Komal Altaf
Interview: By Ambia Bhurt

Q: What made you think of doing CSS after engineering? Was there any inspiration?
A: The foremost reason was, I believe that I have ability to deal with the challenging tasks that would enable me to do something worthwhile for the betterment of my country. I believe by joining Civil services I will be able to deliver services more efficiently and manage things more effectively through my skills.
Q: Why do students fear from CSS? Is it really that hard?
A: The fear is more psychological than the actual exam. So far second part of your question is concerned, I say, No, nothing is difficult in this world if you are determined. CSS only requires effort and time.
Q: Is smart work or hard work necessary for qualifying the exam?
A: CSS is a competitive exam and a candidate must be competent enough to get through CSS. A candidate needs to do smart work with consistency and dedication so CSS is definitely both hard work plus smart work. You need to pass 12 subjects with reasonable marks so that you can get allocation. In CE-2014 almost 22,000 candidates applied, 14,000 took exams and only 233 got allocation.
Q: How did you prepare for the exam? Is it worth paying academies for preparation?
A: Well, self-reliance is a virtue. I did self-preparation. Everything is available on internet and books. A candidate may join some academy to have some guidance. However, academy cannot get a candidate passed
Q: Some students are very good at writing but in speaking they're not that good? What do you suggest to such students?
A: Civil servants are bureaucrats. They must possess both the written and oral communication skills. I would suggest listening to news and talk shows, having group discussions and watching good documentaries.
Q: How much subject selection matters in passing the CSS exam? Any tips.
A: There are many candidates who choose subjects considering the markings. I make it clear that marking trend changes every year. It is good to choose subjects of your interest. Both the compulsory and optional subjects must be given attention.
Q: What is your key to success in qualifying the exam? What kept you motivated?
A: It is the faith in Allah and self-motivation which has enabled me to be part of prestigious Civil Service of Pakistan. I would advise candidate never to lose hope. This is the key to accomplish insurmountable.
Q: Is it a good field for girls?
A: Yes, definitely. We are living in an era where both men and women are playing significant role for the uplift of their society. By joining Civil Service woman can bring unprecedented glory to our country.
Un edited Original
Interview: Komal Altaf (Assistant Commissioner Inland Revenue Services)
By Ambia Bhurt
Born on 27th April. She did her B.E in 2010 and M.E in 2014. She initiated her career as a trainee in software house.
1. What made you think of doing CSS after Engineering? Is there any inspiration?
The foremost reason is that, I believe I have the ability to deal with the challenging tasks that would enable me to do something worthwhile for the betterment of my country. We are living in a digital age in which technology is required in every field of life. I believe by joining Civil services I will be able to deliver services more efficiently and manage things more effectively through my technology skills. I am a calm person and excelled in information technology that makes me a good manager. Moreover, civil services offer a bright opportunity to attain intellectual and personality grooming.
2. Why do students fear CSS? Is it really that hard?
The fear is more psychological than the actual exam. The answer to your second question is NO. Nothing is difficult in this world if you are determined. CSS requires effort and time. It takes time for preparation and announcement of result which is definitely a lengthy process.
3. Is smart work or hard work necessary for qualifying the exam?
CSS is a competitive exam and a candidate must be competent enough to get through CSS. A candidate needs to do smart work with consistency and dedication so CSS is definitely both hard work plus smart work. You need to pass 12 subjects with reasonable marks so that you can get allocation. In CE-2014 almost 22,000 candidates applied, 14,000 took exams and only 233 got allocation.
4. Is it worth paying academies for preparation? How did you prepare for the exam?
Well self-reliance is a virtue. I did self-preparation. Everything is available on internet. A candidate may join some academy to have some guidance. However, academy cannot get a candidate passed. It is the personal effort and determination that produce the fruitful results.
5. Some students are very good at writing but when it comes to speaking they're not that good? What do you suggest such students for improving their communication skills
Civil servants are bureaucrats. They must possess both the written and oral communication skills. I would suggest to listen to news, and talk shows, have group discussions and watch good documentaries.
6. Is extensive reading necessary for the exam?
It depends on how much time you have before taking exam. Reading results in increase of knowledge. It is beneficial to do, at least a reasonable amount of reading.
7. Does subject selection matters in passing the CSS exam? Any tips
There are many candidates who choose subjects considering the markings. I make it clear that marking trend changes every year. It is good to choose subjects of your interests. Both the compulsory and optional subjects must be given attention, since it is necessary to get passing marks in all subjects. In order to get group of your choice it is necessary to have sufficient marks in all subjects. In CE-2014 I have got highest marks in English precise and composition in whole Pakistan. In addition my marks in other subjects are also satisfactory which has ensured my allocation in group of my choice.
8. Share your experience during preparation? Was there a time you were exhausted and felt like giving up?
I did my B.E in 2010 and M.E in 2014. I initiated my career as a trainee in software house. I have been doing lecturer ship since 2011. I decided to do CSS in mid of 2013 and appeared in CE-2014. By the grace of Almighty Allah I have been allocated as Assistant Commissioner IRS. I did not join any academy and did self -preparation. Some would not believe me but yes its self-reliance that produce the most desirable outcomes. I took help from internet and books.
9. What is your key to success in qualifying the exam? What kept you motivated?
It is the faith in Allah and self-motivation which has enabled me to be part of prestigious Civil Service of Pakistan. I would advise candidate never to lose hope. This is the key to accomplish those tasks in your life that seem insurmountable.
10. Is it a good field for girls?
Yes, definitely. We are living in era where both men and women are playing significant role for the uplift of their society. Civil service is the highest management cadre of Pakistan that also offers policy making opportunity in the long run. By joining Civil Service woman can bring unprecedented glory to our beloved country Pakistan.
11. Now that you have qualified CSS how do you feel about it?
I am thankful to my lord who has graced me with such a respectable position in society, and my family and friends whose prayers have been with me through thick and thin. I am determined to give the best of me for the advancement of my country.
Ambia 2k13/MC/12
Second Semester August 2015
This practical work was carried out under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
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